Kamis, 29 Juni 2017

the six-day fast of shawwal

 Assalamualaikum everyone....
In this posting, I would like to share about the explanation of six-days Fasting of Shawwal month.
The six-days fast of Shawwal month
Six days Fasting of the Shawwal month after doing the fasting of Ramadan month is the sunnat deed  not an  obligatory. A Muslim is recommended to do the six days fast of  Shawwal. There are lots of virtues and great rewards for this activity. Among them, whoever does it will undoubtedly reward  for him a full year's fast (if he fasts during Ramadan). As narrated in a saheeh hadeeth from Abu Ayyub RadhiyAllahu 'anhu that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
"Whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan
then accompanied by a six-days fast of Shawwal, meaning that  he has fasted for a whole year." (H.R Muslim, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah)
also  has elaborated through his utterances:
"Whoever does the six-day
s fast of  Shawwal after'Iedul Fitri means that he has completed a full year of fasting, and every good is rewarded tenfold."

In a
nother  hadeeth is explained that:
Allah has multiplied every virtue tenfold, the fast of Ramadhaan month  is equivalent to fasting for ten months, and the six days fast  of  Shawwal fulfill it one year." (H.R An-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah and included in the Sahih At-Targhib).

The jurists of  Hambali and Shafi'i affirmed that the six-day fast of Shawwal after performing the fasting month of Ramadan is equivalent to a full year of fasting, since the reward of sunnat fasts are also multiplied. They  are also  doubled the reward tenfold. One of the most important aspects of the six-day fasting of Shawwal is to cover the shortcomings of fasting in Ramadan. Because fasting that we have done in the month of  Ramadan must not be separated from the lack or sin that can reduce its virtue. On the Day of Judgment  the reward from sunnat fasting will be taken to cover the shortage of obligatory fasting.
As the words of the Messenger of Allaa (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
"The first deed of worship that will be reckoned on the Day of Judgment is prayer, Allah Ta'ala said to the angel Check the worship of  My servants, whether perfect or less. If perfect then the reward is perfectly intact. If it is lacking, then Allah commands an angel: "Check if My servant whether or not he did  the sunnat prayers, if he did  it then cover the lack of obligatory prayer with the sunnat prayer." So  also with other deeds of worship. "H. R Abu Dawud            .
Finally, based on the explanation above, the six-day fast of Shawwal is recommended deed to be  performed. As a servant of Allah we know that we have a lot of shortages in worshiping Him. By doing the sunnat deeds we can cover the shortages with those  reward. Because, this is Shawwal month why don’t we try to do this good deed. 

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