Sabtu, 24 Juni 2017




 BY Adam Leipzig

On the last evening of my 25th college reunion, there was a party in a tent with dancing, music and noise. So much noise that a lot of us started to drift out of the tent, so they could hear each other talk and catch up with classmate that they  had not seen in more than 2 decades. As he talked with friends he made an astounding discovery: 80% of his friends were unhappy. Actually they were privileged, highly educated, financially well of , in position of power and they had the first and the second house and also had the first and the second spouse.
Who was happy, the 20%?
We have studied literature, rhetorics and classes for the joy learning, not because we thought they were going to put direct us to a specific job, we were living our lives expansively, with the life”s ups and downs and we did not feel that we had wasted a single minute.
Than he spoke with the 20%, he discover that each of them knew something about their life purpose they knew five things:
1)      Who they were?
2)      What they did?
3)      Who they did for?
4)      What those people wanted or needed and what they got out of it?
5)      How they change as a result?
We have wondered and worried about our life  purpose for a long time, there are books, megazines,workshops and seminars about it. We can learn about our life purpose from books and other.
We can all agree that the unexamined life is not worth living, but if you’re doing is examining, you are not living.
 Why these 5 formulation so powerfol?
Because of all those five things that you need to know what your life purpose is only two things are about your self, the three other thingsb are about other people, and that formulation forces you to be outward facing than inward facing.
The most succesful people always focus most on the people that they serve than on how they are served themselves.
If somebody asks you , what do you do? Here is what you do, you just say the last thing , how what you do changes the people you do it for.
 For example, you might say´I give kids awesome dreams” if your life purpose is writing books for children so they can fall a sleep at night, so they can have awesome dreams.

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