Instructional media part 2
the Author ‘made.
Maquette is a
small model or study in three dimensions for either a sculptural or an
architectural project. It is used to visualize and test shapes and ideas
without incurring the cost and effort of producing a full-scale product. In teaching
and learning process the use of maquette as the media is very effective because
the students can learn from real object without necessarily out of the classroom.
Mini lesson plan:
: first grade of junior high school
Topic :
vocabularies and making sentence based on the maquette..
1.5 menyusun teks lisan dan tulis
untuk menyebut nama binatang, benda dan bangunan publik yang dekat dengan
kehidupan siswa sehari-hari, dengan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
How to implement it in the classroom:
In this case, the maquette is a house, which has
some rooms, kitchen, mushalla, dining room, living room and other part of the
house. So the teacher will teach students all vocabulary about house, then, she will ask them to create the
sentences about house
with a correct structure of grammar. After making sentences about house, the
students will be asked to create a paragraph of descriptive text for their task.
The topic is about their personal house, so every students should create a
simple text about their house
personally. After creating the text the students will be asked to come forward to
present their works. In this case, the teacher can also assess their
pronounciation and confidence.
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