Rabu, 17 Mei 2017

school profile


Name of school                  : Man Model Banda Aceh
Status                                    : state school
Phone Number                   : (0651) 636804
District                                  : Keuramat
Sub district                          : Kuta Alam
City                                         : Banda Aceh
Province                                : Aceh
Post Code                              : 23123
Email  : mandelbandaaceh@gmail.com/ info@mandelbna.sch.id
Website                                 : www.manmodelbna.sch.id
Accreditation                      : A
School Statistic Number : 311117103002
Founded year                      : 1957
Headmaster                         : Drs. H Mukhlis Mpd
Previous Study                    : S2 Syiah Kuala University
School Area                          : 8500 M2

The History  

MAN MODEL Banda Aceh began  from private schools SMIA (Islamic Secondary School SMA), founded in 1957 by SMI & SMIA foundation. The school was only have one program study (religious program) and led by Ustazd H. Nurdin Ahmad Hanafi. He led the SMIA until 1960 and continued by TGK. Sulaiman Jalil until 1963. Subsequently, his leadership was replaced by Mr. Ibrahim Amin until 1968. During this period the SMI / SMIA Foundation of Aceh asked the Department of Religious Affairs in order that  SMIA to be transformed into a state immediately. Alhamdulillah, the request was received and based on the Minister of Religion affairs (KHA Dahlan)  No.172  Year 1968  on August  7th, 1968  SMIA had become a state school .  The name was changed in to   MAAIN (Madrasah Aliyah Agama Islam  Negeri ) Banda Aceh TMT January 1, 1968. At that time, MAAIN had two programs study : Paspal and Sassosbud. There was three classrooms,  there were (class  1, 2 and 3) with the number of students entirely as much as ± 25 people. Furthermore, MAAIN led by Drs. Hashim Abdul Djalil until September 1974. During  his reign  a new building  was built.  The number of students  as much as ± 54 people.Then,MAAIN led by Drs. Razali Umar until 1979.

In 1978
, based on the Minister of Religion decision   MAAIN changed in to MAN (Madrasah Aliyah Negeri ) Banda Aceh I on March 16, 1978. From 1979 to 1985, the leadership of Banda Aceh MAN I chaired by Drs. M. Jamil Rawa. From 1985 to 1990,  MAN Banda Aceh I led by Drs. Djakfar Ali. At that time , MAN was  developed some  buildings (the teachers' lounge and library) and science laboratories and the additions of the program study.
 on the minister of Religion decision  No. 101 , MAN Banda Aceh I opened four program options, namely: a) Program A-1 which sciences of Religion, b) program A-2  the sciences of Physics, c) Program A-3, namely Sciences of  Biology and A-4 program, namely social sciences. Besides the four programs, MAN Banda Aceh I also opened Madrasah Aliyah Special Program (MAPK)  based on the Ministery of religion no 73 year 1987. From 1990 to 1993, MAN Banda Aceh I was led by Drs. A. Rahman T.B.  At the time of his leadership, MAN is growing again with the construction of a language laboratory and a computer room. At that time, the total number of classrooms were 26 classes with  ± 1,125 students.
In 1994, Man Banda Aceh I implemented new curriculum based on the ministry of religion decision No 373 year 1993 about “ the curriculum of islamic school 1994” and opened three program options, namely: a) Language courses, b) Natural Sciences, and c) Program IPS / Social Sciences.
Started from August 31, 1993 until December 30, 1998   MAN Banda Aceh I led by  Drs. A. Majid Yahya. The days of his leadership, MAN Banda Aceh I continue to be built and developed.
Since December 30, 1998, MAN Banda Aceh-I led by Drs. Zulhelmi A.Rahman. Under his leadership, MAN Banda Aceh-I changed status to MAN Model Banda Aceh. The next headmaster of Man Model Banda Aceh was Drs. H. Amiruddin Husein, since 2003 until November 5, 2006. During his leadership, MAN Model continue to reform and change towards the better  facilities, rehabilitation of classroom, library and Office.
Then, from  November 6, 2006 to December 27, 2010 MAN Model led by Drs. M.Rizal Mohin M.Pd, and he made MAN Model Banda Aceh became the center of research and development (R & D Center) for all Islamic School ( Madrasah) teachers in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.
December 27, 2010 Man Model led by Drs. Ridwan Ali, M.Pd. Under the leadership of Drs. Ridwan Ali, M. Pd, making the learning system, student affairs, administrative offices, a library at MAN Model based IT and internet use to the maximum through the ISIS (Integrated School Information System). It also carried out through the development program MAN Model Boarding School Program and open the Religious Department. In 2015, the headmaster of Man Model was changed by Drs. H Mukhlis MPd.


In Man Model Banda Aceh there are 27 classes as follow: for  first grade: 3 class for natural science including 1 for boarding class, 3 classes for social science, a religion class and a language class. For second grade : 5 classes for natural science including 2 classes for boarding, 3 classes for social science, a religion class and a language class. For third grade: 4 classes for natural science, 3 classes for social science, a religion class and a language class. Besides, in Man Model there are some room such as: offices, a library, a computer lab, a natural science lab, a language lab, a counseling room, a student council room and other organization room. The books in library are enough for all students.


Man Model have won numerous achievements in some aspect such as: academic aspect ( regional and national level Olympics. Art aspect and religious aspect.


So far the alumni of Man Model have been passed to various public and private universities in Indonesia especially in Aceh. Man Model students have passed to Gajah Mada University (UGM), IPB, UII, UNSYIAH, UIN etc.


There are some organizations such as students council (OSIM), dakwah, Red Cross Teenager ( PMR), scouts, theater, PIK-R, GMM, basketball, volleyball, art etc.

Students’ Background

The students of Man Model Banda Aceh come from various regions in Aceh with different economic background. The job of their parents are approximately around  45% of parents work as civil servants, 30% work as businessmen or traders, 15% work as farmers or planters and 10% others.


In Man Model, every Monday is held the ceremony and every Friday morning   students and teacher gather to recite surah Yasin together in the field.

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